Jumat, 11 April 2014

Good Character Benefits in Life

" For your own good person to be true, and it must follow , as the night the day, thou not then be false to anyone . " - William Shakespeare, 1564-1616
Good character and integrity are one and the same thing you are, until change.You is an amazing designer , architect, and builder of the world itself. Did you know that you stand firm , regardless of whether the person for you , they will not be able to take the principles they stand .
If you want loud , I have several ways to internalize the principles of time, it will make you stronger . This process is not quick mode - fix it, but then they should not . With every principle , you will need time to truly understand and apply in your life. Get to know and see if it works from the faith and values ​​that have been adopted consciously or not, get fit and & n BSP world . ; Just follow the below and you will improve your strength of character.
Knowing the difference between character and integrity . This trust definition and values ​​that are often misunderstood . Find out the truth :
1 ) Character is the sum of all the qualities of the person , morally or ethically, and describe the properties and capabilities of the person. Character is who you really are. It makes decisions, actions are encouraging , and hopefully in a positive way.
2 ) Integrity is adherence to a code of moral or ethical , healthy , all ; and information.
3 ) Integrity is doing the right thing for the right reason , if you are with other people or just you - just because it is.
4) Now you need to select a set of rules , values ​​and principles that you can take to live happy , fulfilling , and true .
5 ) If you think about the past, and awareness , you can find if you follow the principles , dip your life. Again, with self-awareness, we can see that it is right for you , the following principles , goodwill you to everyone involved in its success .
6) A good strength of character not to the ground, it will not be easy, and itâ € ™ s definitely not for the faint of heart. However, until you recognize that making your own, there will be a new way of life there .
7) take control of the driver and start a completely new lifestyle, so that you can align with the wishes ideal.
8) You should be aware of all decisions every day, because it is also in control or not. You have to drive your goals, and more importantly, making difficult decisions when you are traveling. Without a doubt , you will find a breakdown of construction and the last to die , but if you stay true belief in harmony with v alues ​​basic , nothing can hold back .

Analysis of Propaganda Techniques

Christian apologists need to fully understand the role twice a vicious cycle of feeling anti - Scripture and doctrine supported by the propagandists in a very sophisticated manner is very important . Clearly supported by authors such as, for breaking this vicious circle requires intense study of the problem , analyzing the techniques of propaganda and design strategies to address the threat , so the essence of this module.
Although propaganda can take two forms , that € ™ s the dissemination of false information and that the information is accurate , the focus of this module is to be achieved by spreading false information and deceptive techniques used by propagandists to undermine biblical view .The next part of the chapter focuses on one type of propaganda ; This has something to do with the spontaneous form of propaganda, for example , refers to Onea € ™ s achievements , which are often made ​​without the intention of promoting a hidden agenda , but focuses mostly to make the information in this way.On the other hand , it is instructive to note that contrived propaganda propaganda is planned and executed , often take two main forms , informative and handling .
According to the authors , while informative propaganda to bring focus to the evidence , expect them to respond positively , handling propaganda focuses on controlling behavior in some way . Christian apologists should be very familiar with some of the techniques used in this program for the advancement of handling complicated issues that affect the number of people.So understood , it is reasonable for the author to devote a lot of work on handling techniques used by propagandists to promote the program .
The second one focuses on the classification of several techniques available for propaganda of handling; At this first consultation manipulative exploitation of fear has to do with a bad name (not safe , fear) . This is a very revealing that fear often handled by using the word ugly and non -Christian propagandists can actually use this strategy to attack morality. Very important information for the author to share some of the words adopted by propagandists and once word is shown , it is very easy for me to identify examples of the variety of media , magazines these days , etc.
Once the fear of a bad name is used , the need for a better name also comes into play. Recognition propagandists € ™ most people want to come in contact with a better name , making it easier to target deceptive agenda . Here, people under the influence of a good propaganda - the name identifying with the people, products , or movement that will have a better name .Author once in this section brings so much clarity to bear from a cosmetic approach to describe sin in a different light can be received by the public is the main objective of the modern world. To maintain such immoral acts only as â € ~ € ™ sexually active need of serious concern and Christian apologists in general , especially in exposing forced out some cosmetic propaganda .It has become a very common practice to look at the ads in the media, and even in our conversation seriously authorities facing strong arguments between us. This can be done without a hidden agenda , but propagandists handling to get hold of this technique, and all of the virus. This call propagandist so called important people or people known that certain activities that seek to promote. Examples cited in 1 Corinthians 8:9-13 is very instructive in this context.Reminiscing on the new TV commercial I saw recently , showing some women testify to how well a particular hair shampoo , I clearly understood what the author meant when he said that the module propagandists often appeal to persuasion by individuals who exploit the masses . This technique , in particular , managed to brainwash so many people believed , and sometimes buy it I'm not used to organize .
Fifth technique is discussed by the authors dealing with complex implications attractiveness ( half-truths and white lies ) . Here the propagandist uses sophisticated approach in deceiving the public; I can say for a certain position , but it will end up attacking the same position with a very subtle and convincing . The above examples are very complicated implications of the techniques used by the snake in the Garden of Eden relevant .
Everyone does , so € ™ s also what makes this is a very strong word that is often used by propagandists as a long shot of the author , tricks tracking / people - mentality. Here , the Christian doctrine itâ € ™ s worth noting that after the crowd is not what we are called to do. Our specific instructions about how we live our lives can be found in the Bible and other lifestyle that is contrary to the truths of the Bible must be rejected, even if it is practiced by everyone on earth.
Another technique is particularly powerful shot memory module - stacking ( simple fraud ) , and marriage stimulus ( fantasy fraud) .
The third focus mainly on issues such as how the various tools described in chapter two are combined in a very deadly weapon to achieve maximum results.Romans 12:2 says , â € ~ Do not conformed to this world : but be ye transformed by the first mind, that ye may prove what is good , and acceptable, and perfect , will of harassment € ™ . This verse refers to the level of seriousness attached to the mind of God. Unfortunately, propagandists have recognized this powerful tool and also used propaganda combined with mind manipulation ( persuasion ) techniques with the sole purpose of receiving a dubious agenda .
The first tool discussed in this section of manipulation of the mind through repeated exposure to propaganda.The authors have adopted certain strategies require formatting and men also informative and instructive . This format is summed up in a simple and understandable concept as follows ; First Light ---> Shock and repeated exposure reversed ---> reduce shock - > tolerate more exposure---- > Desensitization - > complete elimination of shock ---- > tolerance ( for lack of shock) ---> Sorry ---> favorable --- > Want ---> Desire - > What !Tools of the mind manipulation techniques , in consultation with the passage of reasons. Propagandists € ™ emphasis on exploiting the emotional makeup that limit their ability to think clearly in a particular subject. In fact, this particular strategy is often used by politicians, freedom fighters etc.It is useful for authors in the area of ​​vulnerability in both men and women are exploited by using this tool for example, beauty , look, this thing has the ability , achievement , authority , etc. , and finally there is a real attempt to present a partial truth and hide large chunks of the implications of the information they put a whole.In the next section , the authors highlight some of the techniques a bad name , which is also used by propagandists . Here , the example of Galileo vs. the Church gives a measure of how it can be extended in various shapes and sophisticated propaganda. Also redefine the language in a way that makes it look bad , it is desirable and a good offensive attack tools have become lately. Romans 1:22-27 provides a narrative of how God can give depraved mind modern liberal propagandists and non - Christian and how they can provide . It is important when we learn to be able to defend all propaganda techniques , we also give the prayer of intercession for the believers and not to change the system of false propaganda world.
The latter is focused on dealing with some of the ways to analyze and counter propaganda. Authors prevent recognition of the need to go beyond mere propaganda techniques to analyze these techniques to probe filter questions to understand exactly what you are told by propagandists . Eight examples of leading questions is a good starting point for me to develop additional leadership question , and we anticipate hunting areas immediately .Power of repeated exposure , which is often not understood by many people , the need for Christians to get certain powers for the good of the Gospel is very important, even in television, video and cinema is exploited by propagandists , Christian apologists must also find a way to use the same platform to publish propaganda message of the Bible and also to promote vigorously.
Finally , differences in approach to reverse the effects of repeated exposure to handling a very sharp action , outline aimed at people who were not under the influence of fraud through repeated exposure may be different from those already in place and approach are set in this section are relevant and have a long way to help Christian apologist .The author of this module in the future rather than the stock , the approach summarized in identifying, analyzing and rejecting false propaganda is made in high doses in modern times.
What other authors who have written about this topic ?Ronald Stanlerâ € ™ s propaganda and how to analyze it , share some of the techniques of propaganda are often used by propagandists . Prominent among some of the techniques he shows ; name-calling, public glare , transfer, testimonials , etc.Also, Garth Jowett € ™ s propaganda and persuasion book , he proposed approach 10 - measures of identification and analysis of propaganda, he wrote , â € ~ 10 Plan - Analysis step is to identify the ideological and propaganda purposes , the vehicle identification , identification propagandist , propaganda organization structure investigation , identify target audiences , media and practical techniques , analytical techniques to optimize the analysis of public reaction , identification and analysis of counter propaganda and complete the assessment and evaluation € ™ .

Twice Is The Only Way To Live

Used € ™ ve all heard the expression about dream Onea € ™ s life a whole lot , but what if there really is . That is , life is really just a dream ; You donâ € ™ t die and go on some kind of assumption in this € ™ s life after death , of course, but in a bed of dreams are awake and alert to the fact that the new queue, you can call the Afterlife € ~ â € ™ if you want .

â € œOona Only Live Twice ,
Or so it seems .
One Life to you,
And one for you Dreams.â € ?

( Theme Song from the film You Only Live Twice : Music by John Barry , Leslie Bricusse Lyrics )

That tells you the kind of normal everyday events , the wake or sleep and you alternate between the two. When you sleep and dream when you are awake (probably) daydreaming . If the dream (or daydream ) , then you probably have a dream . You are usually the best Punta or participants or observers at the first of the dreams of their own . So usually dream you dream as a waking sleep, as opposed to being , even if the version you sleep dreaming.

Now the question is , when fully awake, how do you know that there are actually awake that absolute ? How can you prove , if only you completely awake and not dreaming it was just awake? We Cana € ™ t see any way you can do this ( and not pinch your ISNA € ™ t answer because you can easily tweak one dream ) . Each scenario is when you think you can be alert scenario that plays in your dreams . Using the concept of extreme , it may be because all â € ~ Your Life € ™ and they seem to cycle really really awake and asleep all just a dream state is very long and continuous ?

If until now , all â € ~ € ™ your life is but a dream, you can actually awake to find yourself in a world that has no parallel in real € ~ Your Life € ™ â € ~ Lifelong € ™, which entered the country dream you a true stand -by and sleep cycle really . Â € ~ € ™ your life is but a dream, with or without a boat to paddle and are fully awake to find inequalities between three ten dreams € ~ € ™ life and real life . But it € ™ s no different , in principle, between the normal scenario and how youâ € ™ re used to have a dream night landscape has no relationship with the landscape you remember (ie - you can dream of beds 007 children , but stay alert to face bore job forever student and sales personnel ) .

Now suppose that the transition between cyclic usually sleep and dream and usually wake up . If you show up at what would make a normal dreams everyday NIGHT € ™ s , and then when (apparently ) waiting , the dream (s ) must be clearly â € ~ DIEA € ™ contains a version of landscape dream that you dream on now go poof . Therefore, the present scenario, it is possible that the transition from a paper € ~ Your Life € ™ as â € ~ Lifelong € ™ state of ongoing nightmare to actually get ( brave new world ) can be made to death between (passing dreams alive â € ~ € ™ finish if you wake up ) and â € ~ Afterlife € ™ (up to actually brave new world ) . You graduated from the fact the dream of return actually waiting - you can make a form of resurrection, if you want . A â € ~ € ™ on experience ( NDE ) is the most daring get up to the new realities of the world, the real world of the house, but not enough and go back to your dream life â € ~ € ™ .

When you go to sleep at night and have dreams , you can simulate the universe / world / scenery with virtual characters , which, as mentioned above, all to poof from. So , in a sense , can be equivalent to God , the creator and destroyer of the world ( even by accident and not by design ) that could help in accounting for what I did a Creator God - if we have a dreamscape ITA € ™ s logical that â € ~ € ™ divinity makes our landscape . What floats your ship !

The normal period of sleep, it € ™ s â € ~ mind awake - sleep cycle € ™ where dreams are like Awake € ~ € ™ â € ~ € ™ asleep and range of ideals . What you might call normal waking period , it € ™ s also the main business cycle as well. You must valleys and peaks of the various â € ~ Get- up - and -go - nessa € ™ . From the bedroom to wake up again youâ € ™ are not the constant vigilance and creativity. Small cycle ( biorhythms ) in the sleep cycle - sleep wake cycle - wake up every parallel as something that occurs in ( sleep ) greater life € ~ € ™ to â € ~ Afterlife € ™ ( scenario standby) discussed above. Itâ € ™ s a bit like Russian dolls are identical , identical except for their size - a doll fits inside the other and both fit in the third , fourth and three and so on .

Here € ™ s morale is obvious. If the dream means , characters and landscapes , as mentioned above seems to go down and disappear - into something good, but something that allows you to remember occasionally and consciously . Every now and then we remember , if only briefly , spare our dreams , but still, for all intents and purposes, they went down . However, in the scenario when sleep / dream life € ~ € ™ ends and you wake up and get to the â € ~ Afterlife € ™ s donâ € ™ t waste will go down, but to live for others to handle. So what is to put the tree above scenario? Not really , as far as you are able to get up in the new world , â € ~ € ™ Afterlife question , â € ~ Your dream body € ™ and â € ~ € ™ dream body left to deal with your body € ~ € ™ dream ( bury , cremate it, whatever ) , was approved by the Board and is not part of the â € ~ old dream life € ™ . They and your body went down . Youâ € ™ ve gone into another dimension , twilight zone , whatever , and leave you to die, â € ~ € ™ dream body behind.

Here € ™ s obvious barriers . Real elements can dream / fantasy that is not parallel to the wide world of real (ie - you have a dream of wings and can fly ) . No elements of fantasy that can be seen only in dreams and dreams, but after the country seems to give the game away 're asleep and awake intervals , the yin and yang of each cycle , and the two are different aspects of existence everyday ? When you look at the moment, IMHO that € ™ s probably not all that convincing. Anomalies abound in what we call the real world, including reports of winged humanoids , such as West Virginia New looks. Then there are the mythical winged alleged human / humanoids , such as size, Nike, Eros and cherubim and Seraphim Bible ( But note , neither angels wings arena € ™ t contrary to public perception ) . Who can really say how much of a myth mythology . The gap between fantasy and reality is not as clear as one might think normally . Itâ € ™ s called â € not œparanormalâ € ? no reason at all!

But if there is one mind in all forms , there seems little parasites. If more than one mind it € ™ s (more than a mind more than seven billion and counting) and public art € ™ sa it, then there must be a manual guide , or intelligence. If we â € ~ Dream € ™ IA € ™ m for the submission of the money (say $ 100 ) , with a female bank teller , and there are other women Bank Teller € ™ â € ~ Dreaming whilst it € ™ sa customer deposits of $ 100 , then as the way to create or synchronize the whole scenario ?

The answer is obvious to others, that third parties , is to imagine that the two ( bank tellers and customers ) in a dreamscape . Or perhaps better, they are created and synchronized two ( cashiers banks and customers ) as a kind of simulation , as a kind of virtual reality as a kind of avatar, or a type of video game.

That's double the landscape , the way it should be extended to the animal kingdom animal or animals of the greatest dreamers . I can not delay about playing with a cat on cat dream that â € ~ € ™ Owner entertain him . Or can dream cat chasing a mouse when the mouse has nightmares about being chased by a cat .

Now, the question needs to be asked what I think the above scenario ? No, I Cana € ™ t say that I accept this premise , although it is very interesting, itâ € ™ s just that I cup € ™ t think of a way to prove otherwise.